News archive

Thu 25 May, 2023

At the headquarters of the National Inspectorate for Nuclear Security, meeting with a delegation of the US NNSA. Pernice (ISIN): "Important exchange of information on the legislative and regulatory systems of the two countries"

Fri 19 May, 2023

The news released from Russia was picked up by the press and on social sites

Fri 19 May, 2023

The X bilateral meeting is underway in Rome. Tomorrow technical visit to the Latina nuclear power plant.

Wed 10 May, 2023

The works of the WG are opened by the greeting of the director of the Inspectorate Maurizio Pernice

Mon 24 Apr, 2023

The document has been updated with the answers to the questions that arose during the 4 Webinars for healthcare facilities

Thu 06 Apr, 2023

ISIN has participated in the Association since its establishment in 1999.