ISIN publishes the Radioactive Waste Inventory updated to December 2019
In 2019, the production of radioactive waste was stable compared to the previous year. There is a physiological growth in quantities, attenuated in volumes thanks to the treatment of both new radioactive waste and those stored in the past.
Furthermore, some wastes of medical-industrial origin have lost radiological relevance, re-entering the ordinary special waste regime. The increase in radioactive waste at 31 December 2019, which takes into account all these variables, was equal to 608 m3.
The sector is on the eve of a technical-regulatory evolution: thanks to a new IT system for acquiring data relating to production and storage (established by Legislative Decree 101/2020) which will come into operation in 2021, it will be possible to have information even more precise and, above all, in real time on the production and handling of radioactive waste. A tool that will allow a more precise control of the sector and also the creation of updated reports in a very short time, in order to have the complete data of the previous 12 months already in the first months of the year.
The publication is available at the link (it):