Pernice: “Regulatory intervention is essential for the return to nuclear energy”

Friday 6 October 2023

Pernice: “Regulatory intervention is essential for the return to nuclear energy”

The director of Isin, Maurizio Pernice, participated yesterday afternoon in a panel at the symposium "The role of nuclear power in the era of energy transition".
The theme of the discussion was "Italian policies and regulations on nuclear energy: today's debate, positions and perspectives" and Senator Silvia Fregolent, Franco Cotana, CEO of RSE, and Marco Ravazzolo of Confindustria also took part.
Responding to a question from moderator Stefano Monti, president of the Italian Nuclear Association, lawyer Pernice indicated the regulatory terms necessary for a return to the use of nuclear energy in Italy.
“Just as in 2010, with the DGLS 31/2010, rules were introduced that allowed the return to nuclear energy production in our country, rules that were then canceled by the post-Fukushima referendum, similarly today it would be necessary to recreate a regulatory framework that allows the creation and the use of nuclear reactors in Italy”.
In relation to the authorization and regulatory framework, Pernice underlined that "there are standards and practices shared at a European and international level in supranational bodies in which ISIN participates and which should obviously also be applied in our country".
The situation is different regarding the staff responsible for authorization procedures and controls, regarding which the ISIN director explained that it would be necessary to strengthen the Inspectorate and also "a training course for technicians who should gain experience abroad at operational power plants to acquire adequate skills and experience".

Last update: Friday 6 October 2023